Saturday, 12 November 2011

Reflection - DAY FOUR - ReelDirector and APPS continued...

Today in class we used the ReelDirector APP on the iPods.  I do not have much experience with APPS,  except for the brief introduction to Pictello in previous classes and the very brief scan of APPS on the iPod during "DAY THREE".  I have NEVER done any video editing before, so needless to say, I had to learn on the fly.  We were expected to watch a video and/or read about ReelDirector on the Internet in order to learn the program.  We didn't have Internet access this class so it made it a bit more difficult as we needed to use our Smart Phones to go online.  The video we watched was somewhat helpful but it only showed a quick demonstration on how to edit and nothing else about the program (how to import video, etc). 

We wrote a quick script and started shooting.  Our goal was to create a 60 second commercial about assistive technology.  We focused on WYNN -- the compensatory software program our grouped presented on "DAY THREE".  Despite being extremely overwhelmed at first, I did get into it as I started to feel more comfortable with the program and what I had to do to edit the video(s).  In the end, we created a "longer than 60 second commercial" that was basically what we wanted it to look like.  With a bit more time and knowledge, we could have improved it even more.


As part of our reflection for "DAY FOUR", we need to create a list of the skills we could/would evaluate if we had given this assignment to our students.  This was definitely project-based learning that relied on a number of skills to bring to completion.  The following is a list of many of the skills you could assess through this project:
1.  communication skills - speaking and listening
2. social skills - teamwork and collaboration
3. organizational skills - planning, sequencing
4. research skills - needed to understand content of commercial as well as how to use the program (self-teach)
5.  technology skills - understanding the program, video taping, editing
6. media study skills - what is a commercial? how do you create a commercial? what goes into a commercial? who is the intended audience?
7.  problem solving skills - be able to figure out how to use the program, decide on content, research content, create commercial, etc.
8.  writing skills - script writing

You could evaluate via several rubrics that had various focuses.  For example, a teacher-based rubric that evaluated communication skills, organizational skills, research skills, technology skills, media study skills, and writing skills. As well as student self-evaluation and group evaluation rubrics that focused on social skills, technology skills, and problem solving skills.  The group evaluation rubric could be used to assess each student's own group AND each of the other groups (ex. evaluate effectiveness of commercial in the role of the audience).

After working through this assignment, I could definitely see the effectiveness and usefulness of this type of project-based learning.  I can appreciate how this would benefit all students, especially those who are reluctant readers and writers.  Most students would find this type of assignment fun, engaging, and relevant.  They would never realize just how much "learning" was actually taking place :)